Why Self Care Matters More Than Ever

Hi, it’s Dr. Annie Armstrong here Head 2 Toe Spine and Sports Therapy…

So as many of you know, I have two teenage boys and currently with zoom school…

They are working me hard.

I feel like I don’t have any time and you know what? I’m quite frankly not prepared to be a teacher.

So my heart goes out to all of you parents who are trying to do the same thing, especially those of you with smaller children.

It is incredibly hard to keep up with the schedule for the kids and for your work and then manage to keep some sort of resemblance of a normal life for yourself.

The result…

Self care has fallen to the wayside.

Let me tell you a little not so funny story about myself…

So recently my foot started hurting.

Well not recently, in my head I think recently but really it was like a month ago and I didn’t even take the time to stop into a treatment room here at work and get someone to look at it for me.

I just ignored it like everyone does and thought it might go away.

But guess what? It just got way worse.

Now, I can’t even go for a walk and I can’t go for a run.

Those are the two things that I did to manage my stress and keep my body feeling good, the two things I was still doing for myself but now I can’t do them.

So please don’t do the same thing I did. If you’ve got a little niggle or a little pain look after it.

So here at Head 2 Toe as many of you know, we get people better fast as we are a one stop shop.

When you come in you’re going to receive some Chiropractic manipulation as needed, soft tissue therapy, and corrective exercise bundled together to make your treatment fast and effective.

We a 💯 respect your time.

And we know that time is a scarce scarce resource right now.

But please don’t wait…

Don’t take away your movement, which for many of us is our big stress release.

Come on in and see us. Let us fix your niggles and get rid of the pains.

Give us a call and we’ll get your taken care of!

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