Welcome from Head 2 Toe Spine & Sports Therapy

Press play to hear from Head 2 Toe founder Dr. Annie Armstrong


SQUAT: How to Improve Squat Mobility

SNATCH: How to Improve Your Mobility & Performance

DEADLIFT: How to Improve Mobility & Protect Low Back

PULL-UPS: How to Protect Your Shoulders & Activate Your Lats

Knee Pain: How to Diagnosis & Treat

Bicep Tendonitis: How to Diagnosis & Treat

Neck Pain: How to Diagnosis & Treat

How to Find & Release Trigger Points

Hip Pain: How to Release & Find Relief Fast

Foot Pain & Immobility: How to Release

Mid-Back Pain: Find Relief Fast Using a Simple Release

Glute & TFL Release for Sore Glutes, Knees, and Low Back


Happy New Year! Let’s Make 2019 Amazing Together

By Barry Napier | December 29, 2018

Happy New Year! (A Message from Dr. Annie) 2018 has been an amazing year.  First, we feel deep gratitude that we’ve been able to help transform so many lives this year. It’s an awesome and humbling responsibility to be trusted with your healthcare and we’ve loved being your manual therapy solution. Plus, it’s been wonderful…

The #1 Weakness Most People Don’t Realize They Have…

By Cody Hagler | October 25, 2018

It’s easy to get caught up in the latest exercise or workout routine to turn you into your ideal you – sculpted shoulders and biceps, slim waist and hips, but there’s something more basic and frankly more important to pay attention to. The best thinkers in the field of manual medicine, embrace and promote the…

Growing Pains – A Childhood Myth or a Reality?

By Cody Hagler | October 10, 2018

Your kid says his knee hurts, or his ankle hurts, or maybe his hip… But you can’t remember anything happening to him.  He looks fine, you don’t see any cuts or swelling.  Should you take him seriously?   Does he really have a knee problem or does he just want to get out of practice?  And…

Dr. Annie’s Top 10 Health Tips

By Barry Napier | September 27, 2018

Here are my favorite tips for being healthier and more vital every day. I hope you enjoy them! 1. Skin is a reflection of your overall internal health Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have radiant glowing skin? Have you felt they must have make up talents or know a skin care…

Fix Your Hips! 4 Steps to Happy Hips

By Barry Napier | September 21, 2018

 Are you trying to do squats, but can’t seem to get the right form?  Is your low back giving you grief?  Are your knees sore when you’re walking or hiking?  Do you sometimes feel a pain on the front of your hip when stand up, or when you stand up and take your first step? …

Concussion and Your Child – What You MUST Know

By Barry Napier | August 20, 2018

Concussion and Your Child – What You MUST Know A concussion is estimated to occur at a rate of 4 million cases per year and is considered the silent epidemic of kids health.  It is estimated that only 1 in 6 cases of concussion are accurately diagnosed and managed, which means you as the parent…

How long should you wait until you get treated?

By Barry Napier | January 16, 2018

Work, family, sleeping, running, lifting, swimming and even commuting can all cause aches and pains. This list is not all-inclusive. Sometimes the pain just goes away over time. Sometimes it doesn’t. This blog post is for the times it doesn’t. So when should you ignore it and when should you call Head2Toe to make your…

head 2 toe arm pain treatment

How many visits do you really need?

By Barry Napier | January 15, 2018

Here at Head2Toe, we keep track of how we’re doing by keeping track of how you’re doing. We remove personal identifying information from individual cases and then aggregate our data to look for trends and to assess our providers and treatment methods. This allows us to identify areas of growth and opportunity which guides us in implementing the most…

cupping treatment

Contemporary Cupping Therapy

By Barry Napier | January 8, 2018

What happens (procedure)? Cupping derives from an Eastern medicine philosophy that presence of toxins in the body will also bring on pain. By cupping a particular area, toxins can accumulate in that region and with negative pressure effects (vacuum), the skin opens up the pores and accelerate the detoxification process. This is much similar to…

Bone Broth Recipe

By Barry Napier | December 20, 2017

Delicious soups have an allure for any winter meal, but I have learned that there are outstanding health benefits to the regular consumption of bone broth. Many cultures serve broth as a staple in their diet, and there are fantastic health reasons to do so. The broth is easy to make, the trick is it…