Welcome from Head 2 Toe Spine & Sports Therapy

Press play to hear from Head 2 Toe founder Dr. Annie Armstrong


SQUAT: How to Improve Squat Mobility

SNATCH: How to Improve Your Mobility & Performance

DEADLIFT: How to Improve Mobility & Protect Low Back

PULL-UPS: How to Protect Your Shoulders & Activate Your Lats

Knee Pain: How to Diagnosis & Treat

Bicep Tendonitis: How to Diagnosis & Treat

Neck Pain: How to Diagnosis & Treat

How to Find & Release Trigger Points

Hip Pain: How to Release & Find Relief Fast

Foot Pain & Immobility: How to Release

Mid-Back Pain: Find Relief Fast Using a Simple Release

Glute & TFL Release for Sore Glutes, Knees, and Low Back


4 Digestion Hacks to Control Blood Sugar and Sleep Better

By Barry Napier | July 17, 2019

Many of us have heard of high blood sugar. We know it’s linked to diabetes, one of the most prevalent diseases in this country. However, must of us are unaware of the blood sugar rollercoaster, and how stabilizing our blood sugar improves our sleep. It’s time to tame the “Blood Sugar Rollercoaster”. Here’s one surefire…

The Ultimate Guide to Using RockFloss and RockTape (to Dramatically Reduce Soreness, Swelling, and Inflammation)

By Dr. Annie Armstrong | June 26, 2019

At Head 2 Toe Spine and Sports Therapy, we work to empower you to with tools and exercises you can do on your own to keep your body healthy and moving well. Two of those tools we teach our patients to use are RockFloss and RockTape to help with movement dysfunction and pain. What causes…

How to Prevent the 4 Most Common Cycling Injuries

By Dr. Annie Armstrong | June 20, 2019

Distance cyclists are very prone to overuse injury. With the arrival of summer and the Seattle to Portland ride quickly approaching, we are seeing a spike in cycling injuries in the clinic. Cycling injuries are usually classic overuse injuries caused by a combination of overtraining in one dimension (on the bike), undertraining in multidimensions (strength…

Unlock Your Hip Mobility To Drop 5 Strokes & Win More Golf Games

By Dr. Annie Armstrong | June 5, 2019

Hip Mobility One of the key movements you need to create speed in your golf swing is hip internal rotation. This action happens at the hip socket when you move your legs outward from your knees. During a right-handed golfer’s swing, internal rotation occurs first on the right hip and then on the left hip.…

5 Powerful Ways to Prep Your Body For Movement (Do these before working out)

By Dr. Annie Armstrong | May 15, 2019

Are you getting back into working out and don’t want to get hurt? Try these 5 movement prep techniques first! Movement Prep is the secret weapon for injury prevention and performance gains for every age, sport, and athletic level. – Dr. Annie Armstrong But what is movement prep?? It’s a few simple steps that need…

These 2 Mobility Drills Will Make Your Golf Game Legendary

By Barry Napier | May 8, 2019

Most golfers know that they need to keep their shoulders, wrists and hips mobile to maintain a consistent, competitive and pain-free golf game. But few golfers know the importance of spinal mobility. In particular, thoracic spine mobility. The thoracic spine is the area of your back attached to your rib cage. It starts at the…

3 Easy Ways to Prevent Running and Cycling Injuries

By Barry Napier | May 1, 2019

I decided I was going to start running even though I hadn’t worked out in a few years. I started running five days a week right off the bat. About two weeks ago, I ran 4 miles on the treadmill, but by the 3rd mile, I began to get a tightness in my calf and…

4 Reasons Why It’s Easier to Get Hurt When We’re Older (Plus How to Stop It From Happening to You)

By Barry Napier | April 25, 2019

At Head 2 Toe Spine and Sports Therapy, we believe that movement is the best medicine. No matter how old you are, or what injuries you may sustain, the best way forward is to get moving. Here are the four most common reasons why it’s easier to get hurt when we’re older: Loss of muscle…

Play Baseball? Here’s The Top 3 Shoulder Problems & The 3 Best Ways to Protect Yourself

By Barry Napier | April 10, 2019

Shoulder pain and injuries can happen to anyone. When they hit baseball players, it can strike them out. Here are the top three causes of shoulder problems, and three easy things you can do at home to support your shoulders and keep you in the game. 3 Dangerous Shoulder Problems That Can Strike You Out…

3 Things Every CrossFitter, Runner or Triathlete With Tight Hips Needs to Know to Lift More, Run Faster and Dominate the Competition

By Dr. Lee Schuster | March 20, 2019

Trying to do squats, but can’t seem to get the right form? Low back giving you grief?  Knees sore after running?  Do you sometimes feel a pain on the front of your hip when standing, or when you take your first few steps? These situations can all be caused by your hips not moving correctly. …