Taming the Stress Beast: Conquering 3 Types of Stress, Including Toxic Stress

Menopause Weight Loss Myths: What You Really Need To Know About Food & Fitness Movement is Medicine

In this episode, our host Dr. Annie sits down with women's fitness expert Chryssie to tackle some common misconceptions about menopause and shed light on what's really important for women to know during this phase of life. They dive into the hype around intermittent fasting, especially as it's often recommended for menopausal women, and discuss why it might not be the best approach. Chryssie explains how women’s bodies respond differently to energy restrictions compared to men and why adopting strategies that work specifically for women's unique needs is essential. Key Points Discussed: Intermittent Fasting: Understanding why it's often recommended but may not be suitable for menopausal women. Exercise and Energy Restriction: How combining fasting with exercise can backfire. Differences Between Men and Women: Emphasizing that women are not just smaller versions of men and have different metabolic needs. Additional Resources: www.buildwithchryssie.com Join the Conversation: Follow us on social media @head2toe Share your thoughts and experiences with menopause using the hashtag #MenopauseMyths
  1. Menopause Weight Loss Myths: What You Really Need To Know About Food & Fitness
  2. BUILD with Chryssie: Your Personalized Path to Strength & Nutrition
  3. Weight Loss the Right Way: Protein, Fitness, and Feeling Awesome
  4. From the Gym to Life: Get Kimo's Tips for a Healthier You
  5. Rethinking Menopause Care: From Hormones to Holistic Health

Hey, friends! Today we’re going to talk about stress. But wait! Don’t stress out about it! 😃 We’ll learn about the different types of stress – good, chronic, and toxic – and how moving our bodies can help us deal with stress. Plus, we’ll talk about why it’s essential to ask for help when things get too tough, especially when we’re hurt.

Types of Stress

  1. Good Stress (Eustress)

First, let’s talk about good stress. Yes, you read that right – some stress is good! This kind of stress is called “eustress.” It can give us a little push to do our best. Like when we’re playing a game, giving a speech, or trying something new. Good stress can help us learn and grow. 🌱

  1. Chronic Stress

The next type of stress is chronic stress. This kind of stress isn’t so good. 😕 Chronic stress happens when we feel stressed for a long time. It can be because of problems at school, home, or with our friends. Chronic stress can make us feel tired and unhappy. It’s essential to find ways to relax and take care of ourselves when we feel this way.

  1. Toxic Stress

The last type of stress is toxic stress. Toxic stress is the worst kind of stress. 😞 It happens when we’re in scary or dangerous situations that last a long time. Toxic stress can make us feel really bad and even sick. When we’re in a toxic situation, it’s crucial to ask for help.

How Movement Helps Us Beat Stress

Now let’s talk about how movement can help us deal with stress. Moving our bodies is like having a superpower to fight stress monsters! 💪🏃‍♀️

  1. Exercise

Exercising is a great way to fight stress. When we exercise, our bodies make something called “endorphins.” These are like tiny superheroes that make us feel happy and strong. 🦸‍♀️ So next time you’re feeling stressed, try going for a walk, run, or bike ride. You can also dance, swim, or play your favorite sport.

  1. Stretching and Yoga

Stretching and yoga can help us relax and feel better. When we’re stressed, our muscles can get tight, like a rubber band. Stretching helps to loosen them up and feel more relaxed. Yoga is like a super stretch! It combines stretches with deep breaths, which can help us feel calm and peaceful. 🧘‍♂️

  1. Play and Have Fun

Sometimes, we just need to have some fun to feel better. When we play and laugh, it’s like giving our stress monsters a big hug and telling them, “You don’t scare me!” 😄 So go outside and play, or stay inside and play a fun game or do something creative.

Injuries, Stress, and Healing

When we get hurt, it can create a lot of stress. Injuries can make it hard to move and do the things we love. Plus, being hurt can make us feel sad or worried. 😢

  1. Healing Our Bodies

It’s essential to take care of our bodies when we’re hurt. Sometimes, we need to rest and let our bodies heal. Other times, we might need help from a doctor, therapist, or another grown-up who knows how to make us feel better. They can give us special exercises or treatments to help us heal faster and feel good again. 🩹

  1. Healing Our Minds

Getting better isn’t just about healing our bodies. We also need to take care of our minds. When we‘re hurt, it’s essential to talk about our feelings and ask for help when we need it. Talking to a friend, family member, or grown-up we trust can help us feel less stressed and more supported. 💕

  1. Moving Gently

Sometimes, we can still move our bodies even when we’re hurt, but we need to be gentle. For example, if our leg is hurt, we can still move our arms or do some gentle stretches. Moving gently can help us feel better and heal faster. But remember, always ask a grown-up or doctor what’s safe to do when you’re hurt. 🤕

Asking for Help

When we’re dealing with stress or toxic situations, it’s essential to ask for help. Grown-ups like parents, teachers, or doctors are there to help us feel better and keep us safe. They can give us advice, listen to our feelings, and help us find ways to handle stress. Remember, you don’t have to fight stress monsters alone! 🤗

Stress can be like a monster, but we have the power to beat it! By understanding the different types of stress and using movement to help us cope, we can become stress-fighting superheroes. And when things get tough, always remember to ask for help from the grown-ups in your life. They’re there to support you and help you heal, both inside and out. So go on, conquer those stress monsters and let your inner superhero shine! 🌟

P.S. Don’t forget to share this with your friends and family, so they can learn how to beat stress monsters too! 😉

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