Welcome to Head 2 Toe Spine & Sports Therapy

Press play to hear from Head 2 Toe founder Dr. Annie Armstrong


SQUAT: How to Improve Squat Mobility

SNATCH: How to Improve Your Mobility & Performance

DEADLIFT: How to Improve Mobility & Protect Low Back

PULL-UPS: How to Protect Your Shoulders & Activate Your Lats

Knee Pain: How to Diagnosis & Treat

Bicep Tendonitis: How to Diagnosis & Treat

Neck Pain: How to Diagnosis & Treat

How to Find & Release Trigger Points

Hip Pain: How to Release & Find Relief Fast

Foot Pain & Immobility: How to Release

Mid-Back Pain: Find Relief Fast Using a Simple Release

Glute & TFL Release for Sore Glutes, Knees, and Low Back


head 2 toe clinic rollers

Why We Love Foam Rollers

By Barry Napier | August 18, 2017

Foam Rollers have become a staple in gyms and clinics all over the country. So why are healthcare and exercise professionals so fond of these cylindrical entities? Let’s break it down: 1. They’re multi-taskers Foam rollers are great for relieving discomfort and pain by loosening tight musculature and relieving aching knots. But did you also…

Spring Bike Tune Up

By Barry Napier | July 20, 2017

The sunnier weather is out so it is time to break out the bike.  If you have not recently used your bike, here are some tips before you get rolling and racking up the mileage. The basics of bike checkup:  The ABCs (Air, Brakes, Chain).   Air: How much air you need depends on your tire size. …

Slow Down the Wear & Tear

By Barry Napier | June 10, 2017

Slow Down the Wear & Tear On BOTH your body AND your running shoes Similar to food, running shoes have a shelf life, whether we wear them or not. Shoe materials deteriorate over time, both with mileage and when they sit in your closet slowly breaking down. As a humorous thought, maybe running shoes should…

Dr. Annie’s Foam Rolling Tips and Top Three Favorites Exercises

By Barry Napier | May 1, 2017

Foam rolling is awesome It’s an easy self-myofascial release technique that really works. There are a few basic rules to follow so that you don’t get hurt and get maximum benefit from it. Guidelines First off, don’t roll directly on bone or bursae. Bursae’s are like little pillows for your tendons, and are found mainly…

Dr. Annie Armstrong Blog

Swedish Hospital and the Reign

By Barry Napier | April 28, 2017

The Pilot About a year ago our Clinic was asked to join a pilot program by Swedish Hospital. Swedish in its great wisdom realized that their patients love chiropractors AND chiropractors offer inexpensive solutions to many musculoskeletal conditions. Now, Swedish is a huge organization and pairing up with a bunch of wily chiropractors have been…

head 2 toe arm auto accident

Auto Accidents Part 1: Effects of Whiplash

By Barry Napier | March 5, 2017

Whiplash Injuries There are many very interesting points regarding whiplash injuries which I’ll be sharing with you over a series of newsletters. Did you know the weight of the average skull can range from 10 to 12 lbs? That’s the weight of a bowling ball sitting on top of a stick. What are the effects…

Healthy Tips for the Holiday Season

By Barry Napier | October 24, 2016

A lot of us feel this way around the holidays. The extra carbs, desserts, snacks and social drinking of the Holiday season can usually put a few extra pounds on us all. Personally, I always used to dread the holidays and what it might bring, come the New Year. After struggling for many years and overeating…

5 Ways to Make A Sit-to-Stand Desk Work For You

By Barry Napier | January 18, 2016

Converting to a sit-to-stand desk can be costly, clunky, and all around awkward. There are a handful of hurdles keeping you from getting one: Standing for hours on end can be hard, especially if you’re used to sitting. And many desks are laborious to change. They’re expensive and not all companies are willing to provide…

biogen dealer

BioGenesis Cleanse

By Barry Napier | December 12, 2015

BioGenesis 8-Day or 21-Day Cleanse Start fresh this new year, join us for a cleanse! Here at Head2Toe we spend a lot of our time taking care of our bodies inside and out. We eat pretty well, but we’re not perfect. Not even close! That’s why we like to do a nice spring cleaning once…