How long should you wait until you get treated?

January 16, 2018

Work, family, sleeping, running, lifting, swimming and even commuting can all cause aches and pains. This list is not all-inclusive. Sometimes the pain just goes away over time. Sometimes it doesn’t. This blog post is for the times it doesn’t. So when should you ignore it and when should you call Head2Toe to make your…

head 2 toe arm pain treatment

How many visits do you really need?

January 15, 2018

Here at Head2Toe, we keep track of how we’re doing by keeping track of how you’re doing. We remove personal identifying information from individual cases and then aggregate our data to look for trends and to assess our providers and treatment methods. This allows us to identify areas of growth and opportunity which guides us in implementing the most…

cupping treatment

Contemporary Cupping Therapy

January 8, 2018

What happens (procedure)? Cupping derives from an Eastern medicine philosophy that presence of toxins in the body will also bring on pain. By cupping a particular area, toxins can accumulate in that region and with negative pressure effects (vacuum), the skin opens up the pores and accelerate the detoxification process. This is much similar to…


Bone Broth Recipe

December 20, 2017

Delicious soups have an allure for any winter meal, but I have learned that there are outstanding health benefits to the regular consumption of bone broth. Many cultures serve broth as a staple in their diet, and there are fantastic health reasons to do so. The broth is easy to make, the trick is it…

woman walking up stairs

Race Recovery for the Holiday Weekend Warrior

December 20, 2017

Tis the season to do holiday races!! One great thing about us PNW-ers is that we accept the inevitable rainy weather and soldier on anyway. Five K’s, mud runs, and polar swims abound. If you’re a seasoned vet who competes all year long, you probably have a routine for your pre-, during, and post-race. For…


6 Tips to Stay Healthy this Holiday

December 12, 2017

1. Stay Active! Many of us travel for the holidays and can’t get to our regular workout class or gym. But, this not a reason to stop moving. Drag the family out for a winter hike or walk. Get a run in! Or, ask your Coach for a mini workout to do during the holidays.…


Exercise Reduces Again

December 6, 2017

We all know that exercise is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy. But, did you know that it can add years to your life? A recent study found mice that ran on a treadmill a couple times a week for five months staved off premature aging in almost every…

Dr. Annie Armstrong

Control Your Blood Sugar to Sleep Better

December 1, 2017

Many of us have heard of high blood sugar. We know it’s linked to diabetes, one of the most prevalent diseases in this country. However, must of us are not aware of the blood sugar roller coaster and how to stabilize our blood sugar and improve our sleep. Many of us wake up at 3…


Goals vs Intentions, and how to use them

November 10, 2017

As many of you know, I meet weekly with my Business Coach/Therapist.  She is such a valuable resource to me, as she allows me to gain perspective on areas of my life that I am blind to.  Last week she gave me the valuable lesson of setting daily intentions.  This has become so important to…


When should you ice?

September 18, 2017

It has been the status quo for decades… When you’re hurt: rest, ice, compression, elevation. In recent years, though, research and experience have started to question this recipe. Naturally, there’s a lot of speculation floating around these days, so we wanted to provide a clear take on the big question: Should I ice? Should I Ice?…